Thursday 28 July 2011

PATAL POHYANCHA CHIVDA / kaccha chivada / chiwada


all time  hit  any  time  snacks  from maharashtra  mostly  prepared  on the  occassion  of diwali  and  ganapati  festival 

 PATAL POHYANCHA CHIVDA /  kaccha  chivada /  chiwada

Ingredients:Thin Poha - ½ Kg.
Peanut - 1 cup
Dalya (Roasted Gram Dal) - 1 cup
Sliced dry coconut - 1 cup
Chopped Green chilies - 10-12
Curry leaves - 8-10
corriander powder 2 tsp
badisaunf powder 2 tsp
cumin powder-2 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon
Sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon
Poppy seeds - 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder - 2 teaspoon
Asafetida - ½ teaspoon
citric acid 1 tsp
Powder sugar - 1 teaspoon
Oil - ¼ cup
Salt to taste.

Method:Keep THE POHA in sunlight for 3-4 hours.OR ROAST it on very low flame till it becomes crispy.
Keep the crispy Poha aside. Now heat oil in a big kadai. Add mustard seeds, when it start spluttering add curry leaves and green chilies. Let curry leaves and chilies get crispy. Then add peanuts, sesame seeds, and Fry on medium flame for about 2 minutes till the peanuts are aromatic. Then add sliced coconut and fry it till it turns brown. then add asafetida, turmeric powder,Now add roasted gram dal. Switch off the flame. Now add salt and sugar and mix well. then add crispy Poha corriander powder,badisaunf powder,cumin powderand citric acid and mix it neatly.
Crispy chivda is down and store in air tight container. It can be stored for 1 month

-- While roasting the poha it should not change colour.You can add cashew nuts instead of peanuts

We supply home made  patal pohe chivda all over india and abroad 


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